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tv   World News Now  ABC  May 10, 2016 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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this morning on "world news now," deadly twisters is descending upon the heartland. >> those tornadoes ripped up homes leaving very little behind but devastation. we'll have the latest as we get more from the storm zones. the battle over north carolina's bathroom law intensifyi intensifying. the state's governor and u.s. attorney general holding back to back press conferences suing each other. details just ahead. after days on the run, a fugitive is finally taken down. the dramatic scene is played out as authorities move in. later on, the toast trend. how gourmet chefs are taking a simple piece of toasted bread and dressing it up to make a whole meal's worth of delight. plus, it's toast. so you can even make it in the middle of the night if you have the munchies. we'll show you
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"insomniac kitchen" on this tuesday, may 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> some news you can use there. >> it is news you can use. if you have wonder bread at home, you know, you can slap some stuff on it and charge people 15 bucks apiece. >> i think everyone's pumped now. they can't wait to hear more about that. >> we'll get to that later on. first we're going to start on a serious note. >> our top story this morning is the severe storms hitting the country's midsection. they've already left two people dead. a strong thunderstorm in the lincoln, nebraska spawned a tornado, large hail and fierce of flooding. many busted windows were reported in buildings and in cars. >> the two victims killed in severe storms and tornados in oklahoma. the most severe weather has moved eastward. homes were severely damaged and travel is restricted in some parts of that state. kayna whitworth is in the storm zone.
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you another tornado touching down. meteorologist damon lane warning viewers to take cover. >> continues to make its way closer and closer to i-35. >> reporter: live choppers showing destruction. me system that brought these terrifying scenes to the plains. near the small town of wray, colorado, the storms dropping a tornado that looks like it's made in hollywood. >> it's coming down. it's coming down. >> it's coming down. >> reporter: going from a thin streak to a quarter mile wide monster. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: stormchaser gabe cox on it from the beginning. >> we were about 100 yards away from the tornado as it was moving away from us. it was probably the most amazing tornado we have seen. >> reporter: tracking more than eight miles, an ef-2 with 130 mile-an-hour winds. then it stops. a wall of wind and dirt spinning in place. debris somersaulting across the road. gabe telling
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white clouds hundreds of feet up as a guide to stay safe. >> as long as we were outside of that and the wall cloud, there was no real risk. >> reporter: the storms flattened homes, flipped trailers and tangled power lines. five people injured. when people hear those tornado warnings they rush to underground shelters like this one at a local business tlak hold up to 25 people and rely on them to survive the storms. kayna whitworth, abc news, osage county. >> we're going to have more coverage from oklahoma throughout the morning. we want to get to this. our first look at the widespread devastation inside the canadian city of ft. mcmurray ravaged by the firestorm. entire neighborhoods levels. nothing left but rows of incinerated homes. about 2400 homes and other buildings were destroyed or damaged by the fire. but city officials say about 85% of the structures survived. overall that will fire scorched about
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now to north carolina where the federal government filed suit to stop the state from enforcing its so-called bathroom law, the law dictates that people must use bathrooms that coincide with their birth gender. attorney general loretta lynch compares that to past attempts at racial segregation in the state and an says the law aims to solve a problem that doesn't exist. >> they created state sponsored discrimination against transgender individual who's simply seek to engage in the most private of functions in a place of safety and security. a right taken for granted by most of us. >> north carolina also filed its own suit in defense of the law but the state's public university system defied the state government saying it intends to comply with federal law on this issue. lawmakers in california are closer to passing a bill there that would require all single stall public bathrooms be gender neutral. a republican hop opposes the bill say
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would inconvenience many more people than that bill would help. the white house hoping to spur a vote on its nomination for supreme court. maker gar lond will submit responses to a questionnaire detailing his credentials. it's another step in the white house push to break the blockade on his nomination. the committee chair said there won't be a vote on his nomination. >> turning to the race for the white house as republicans scramble to bring their party together, paul ryan says he's willing to step aside as the gop convention chairman if that's what donald trump wants. trump plans to meet this week with ryan and other republican leaders after ryan refrained from endorsing him. several gop lawmakers refused to back trump. ryan says there's no point in faking party unity and clarified his remarks on withholding support. >> i never said never. i wish had i more time to get to know him before this happened. we just didn't. >> after shrugging off the need to unify the
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he's focusing on the general election and announced chris christie would lead his transition team if he wins in november and marco rubio will not be part of the trump administration. he is not interested in the vp job. trump is continuing to blast hillary and bill clinton but the democratic front run ser refusing to take the bait. >> i have been very clear that a lot of his rhetoric is not only reckless, it's dangerous. clinton added she's responding to trump on the issues that voters care about but still trying to win over more democrats. she's facing off with bernie sanders today in the west virginia primary. this morning a new jersey prison escapee on the run for nearly a week is back in custody. arthur buckel was spotted yesterday and held at gunpoint while corrections officers put him in handcuffs. buckel escaped daysef
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parole. a fired city administrate ser accusing the mayor of flint, michigan of searing donors to a political action committee. it charges the mayor redirected money to give did the money to the mayor's own fund not approved by the city. the mayor is not commenting on the allegations prfz and california could soon be backing away from strict water saving standards. the state will consider lifting a mandatory statewide water conservation order after a rainy snowy winter aced the state's drought. members of the state water resources control board will died may 1th whether or not to lift restrictions. >> this is interesting. budweiser appears to ready to make tats biggest patriotic tie-in yet. the popular beer filed for permission to replace a name of its labels with the word america. so the filing with the
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patriotic catch phrases such as liberty and justice for all. >> there's no confirmation from bud wise toesht story in advertising age but the marketing chief has said it the beer would take an advantage of an expected behave of patriotism this summer. the irony is budweiser now owned by a belgian company. >> what? >> yeah, budweiser not owned by an american company anymore. ive bev. >> stella artois will be usa next week. >> i don't know. >> so the whole concept, they will possibly put on the national anthem, the words of the national anthem lyrics on the label, as well. >> does that mean any product could do that then? >> i don't know. >> you can't copyright those words, right? they already economist. >> what do youny america ferrera thinks about this. >> maybe she likes it. good advertising for her. >> i don't know if i'd mind seeing her on a beer bottle. >> coming
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meet the woman who could become the youngest member of congress ever. >> first scandal in the spotlight. the reports of sex abuse at some of the country's top prep schools and the team who uncovered it a familiar one to movie fans. >> later in the "insomniac kitchen," let's say cheers to toast. not your drinks, of course. we're talking about the bread getting all fancy and stuff. with new toppings that might not be -- you might not be used to. >> check out our behind the scenes pics on instagram. you're watching abc "world news now."
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subways in new york city are undergoing tests this week to check how well air moves through the system. homeland security officials are releasing invisible odorless harmless gas containing tracer particles to see whether detect sisters installed at several stations can track vape pores from those gases. we turn now to explosive claims against new england's most elite prep schools. >> a boston globe investigation found more than 200 students have lodged sexual abuse claims against employees at more than five dozen schools. >> 9 charges span decades. abc's linsey davis has the story. >> we're going to tell this story and tell it right. >> reporter: it took the oscar for best picture this year. >> and the oscar goes to "spotlight." >> reporter: by taking on the true story of a small team of investigative
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boston globe that uncovered widespread sexual abuse in the catholic church. >> they knew and they let it happen. to kids! okay? we've got to show people that will nobody can get away with this. >> reporter: the famed paper is putting another explosive scandal in the spotlight. this time about alleged sexual abuse at some of new england's most re-leviathan private schools. among the schools included in the article, phillips exetter academy in new hampshire and st. george's in rhode island and it doesn't stop there. they report 67 schools have faced allegations against school employees since 1991. more than 200 alleged student victims. >> 37 school employees were fired or forced to resign and about two dozen were convicted or pled guilty to criminal charges sexual abuse against children. >> reporter: in a taped interview with the paper, one of these alleged victims wonders what his life would have been like if this had never happened. >> i don't know who i
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been had you not gained my loyalty and confidence and friendship and then abused it so and that has really screwed up my life and i'm sure lives of many, many, many kids. >> it was really shocked at how pervasive this issue is. there were a lot of failed marriages. there are issues with trust. there's a lot of alcoholism. >> reporter: abc reached out to st. georges who says the school realizes the long lasting impact after buse and is dedicated to working with survivors to aid them in healing from its painful aftermath. phillips exeter says the leadership is committed to addressing all allegations of misconduct. we are indebted to the survivors who stepped forward. linsey davis, abc news, new york. thank you. coming up in our next half hour, the facelift in a bottle. scientists at m.i.t. and harvard have created what they're calling a second skin that rubs on like a lotion and makes b
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and wrinkles poof, disappear. no injections no surgery. >> but first, going whole who on one of america's an favorite breakfast staples. why toast these days isn't just about the butter and jelly anymore. our "insomniac kitchen" is straight ahead. you're watching "world news now."
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morning noon or night there's always a moment to discover visit annapolis and create your moment ♪ a little piece of toast because there's so much to choose from, brown bread, white bread ♪ >> our producers can find a song to go with anything. >> i'm trying to figure out where they find those. >> a little piece of toast. >> for some of you this might be a breakfast staple. for carb counters it might be banned from your kitchen. >> if it's good enough for oprah, it's got to be good.
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not just any toast but pimped out glammed out red carpet toast. it's huge. we went to new york's betford and company to find out what's behind this trend "insomniac kitchen." >> what's up, everybody? we are here in the kitchen of bedford and company. we're like reinventing the wheel. this is going to turn into something gourmet and look and taste a lot better. john delucci is the i don't knower. >> this is our ninth week. >> what is this called? >> in this right now is just a slice of sourdough bread. we're going to transform this into a delicious lunch. i've made this cool herb brush. and i'm going to douse this with olive oil. seasoning, a little salt. this is kosher salt. and some fresh ground pepper. this is going to go on our wood burning grill which is running at about 1,000 degrees. >> if you want to know what the
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inside of the sun feels like, i'm feeling that right now. that's some wonderful toast. >> now we'll go make our cree agency. >> time for the fun part. >> we're going to make something out of nothing. this is the abcad doe toast. get a nice ripe avocado. the spoon. i'll let you to do it. >> does it matter where i go? >> no. >> that's it. the next thing is we have a lime. i'm going to add some kosher salt. have i ground chili here. >> perfect. >> oops. that's a lot. >> and just mash it. >> that's the easy part. spread it over the bread. have i breakfast radishes and cilantro leaves on every one of the radishes. avocado toast. the second one is is broccoli rabe. we have broccoli raub which we sauteed
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this is baraca, a creamy mozzarella. >> i've made my own. didn't come out looking like this. >> this this is vermesco sauce. >> i'm going to go easy on it. >> that's pretty good. this is rapini and barata toast. this last one, spread the goat cheese. >> almost like butter. >> like butter. >> like butter. two new yorkers. now the next thing is mushrooms. >> all right. >> don't be shy. >> whoops. and don't mess it up. >> don't mess it up. >> we have tarragon, basil, and parsley. >> wow. >> this is our wild mushroom toast. >> let's go with the avocado first. >> great. >> this might it be my favorite already. i can tell you. you can taste the olive oil, the bread. fresh
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really, really good. >> this is the rapini or broccoli raub with ramata and the row mess co. >> there's no eating this quietly and having a good conversation with somebody, is there? this is our mushroom. >> goat cheese. >> goat cheese. >> and herbs. >> i'd say still to this point the avocado is my favorite. what a great way to reinvent something as simple as toast. and something you could do at home. >> right. >> thank you. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> wow, my dome was shiny in that story. >> we have to put this to the test now. >> bedford and company were able to. >> i'm just laughing at how you cut this like perfectly neat bite and yet i'm just going in monster style. >> a little piece. >> what could possibly go wrong. >> oh, yeah. >> it tastes like toast.
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>> that's good. >> uh-huh. >> 15 bucks. >> i like that. mr. kendall um... i need to ask you a favor. not really a favor, just like (gibberish). todd makes more than i do and hes only worked here for 2 years. you know i'm also a really great, leader. really have things... (toilet flushes) do it! secret, stress testsed for women. wmaria can really rocknt a long travel day its the gain that keeps on keeping on
3:23 am
sniff, sniff, hooray! (male #1) it's a little something i've done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up
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age builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) i use resolve pet foam. spray it on evenly. rub it in. and then i vacuum. it's like i have a brand new carpet. and, rigby is enjoying it as well. when i have a pet stain, i use resolve pet expert carpet spray. it just takes a couple of sprays. and then you dab it up. smells nice, stains gone!
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time now for the mix. you know how everyone's talking about how millennials are notmost motivated, they don't work? well, i want you to meet erin. she start add ecoplatform and an environmental non-profit turning green when she was just 13 years oiled. now at the ripe age of 25, she is running for congress. >> over achiever. she agreed and officially declared her candidacy for congress in california's second district. she was still just 24 at the time. now a few weeks later she is officially 25. her campaign is in full swing. very much a millenial campaign, she uses instagram twitter and facebook in the save have i way only a digital native could and made her official announcement on
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congress in his 20s. >> aaron schrode, look out for her. >> i guess the popular gift on mother's day was all about beyonce. >> really. >> yeah, take a look. >> are you [ bleeped ]. >> nope, beyonce. >> you and i are going to see beyonce? >> yeah. >> are you kidding me? >> no. >> i love her mouth. >> mom lost her manners for a second. >> this was a big thing. it was trend ong twitter. after sunday, a lot of kids gave their parents or gave their mom beyonce tickets to the "formation" tour. >> we got. >> that one came with signs, as well. >> we got mama a handbag. a very nice handbag. it was really nice. >> great. all right. >> that's. >> now i should have
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beyonce tickets instead. >> that's what happens when you take mom to beyonce. this is what happens when you surprise your daughter at college or rather this is probably the most benign outcome if you surprise her at college. this particular mom decided would be a good effort forler to just show up at her daughter's school. when she arrived at her daughter's dorm room and she wasn't there, she thought it would be funny to send her a photo. she shade look where i am. daughter said where are you, mom? she said in my bed. guess what, it wasn't in her bed. she was in the wrong dorm room all together. >> doesn't she know what her daughter's linen looks like? >> i guess not. she said the room was all packed up for summer. so it looked like it could have been my dorm room. it wasn't that far away. >> it's a little odd. >> i wonder how she got in and also thank the lord that's all you found. sorry. don't surprise y
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this morning on "world news now," bracing for impact. tornadoes ripping across the nation's midsection overnight and turning deadly. giant funnel clouds threatening residents as the storm watch continues for today. we're going to have the latest next. >> and in politics, donald trump and house speaker paul ryan try to figure out how to move forward as hillary clinton refuses to fire back over recent comments about her marriage. we have details ahead. >> new this half hour, a muslim teenager given the name isis in her yearbook. >> we're now hearing from the high school senior as the school tries to figure out exactly what happened and if the misprint was just an honest mistake. and trying to catch a falling star on the red carpet. jennifer lawrence racks up another career tumble. could she be turning this into a thing? the full story ahead in "the skinny" on this tuesday, may 10th.


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